
Writing What Is Me

Archive for the category “NaNoWriMo”


I’ll get back to the sex soon enough but for now, you must go without. Call it a sexcation if you will. Not because I do not want to sex but just that time does not allow. My dreams are calling.

Full Speed Ahead!

I love how when I sit down to write, I’m so tired and my brain just feels like mush. I sigh as my fingers hover above the keyboard, looking to start. I focus and let my fingers start hitting the keys and it ‘s like a wave. I start to type faster and faster as the story finds me. I’m invigorated! It’s my like my own personal drug to have this give me life more than any pill can. My characters call to me and I have to tell their story right. There is no other option. I must finish what I have started. Finally, I am on my way.

Oh No! I’m Falling!

I’ve fallen completely behind with NaNoWriMo but I am determined to catch up. Catching up consists of writing about 15,000 words this weekend. I think it’s doable. I would prefer to not do that but I decided to be social and have fallen off the wagon. Hard. I need writing motivation people! The fatigue is setting in and I’m not sure I can get past it. Not to mention I’m being hormonal and emotional which is getting in the way of my being productive because I just get angry instead of being rational. Blah! Anywho, here is to getting back in track with the writing on my blog and working on the novel everyday. Until next time.

Coffee Shop Dream

As I sit here writing this, I am looking out of an open door, listening to the roll of thunder and watching the flash of light streak across the sky. Tires splash on wet pavement and the breeze tickles my legs as I savor this cup of joe.

Shirley Temple

I hardly remember the night but it is one I can never forget. I had sex for a Shirley Temple. I was fucked by a lake in the middle of the night by a man I didn’t know. He chocked me into submission but I welcomed it. My release was vital to it.

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